BRIGITTE BARDOT makes her film debut in Crazy For Love JOHN F KENNEDY becomes a member of the US Senate JAMAL ABDUL NASSER leads a revolt against King Farouk RICHARD NIXON becomes the youngest ever vice-president MALCOLM X joins the League of Islam CHARLES CHAPLIN is investigated as a suspected "subversive" by the FBI. He returns to London for the first time in 23 years ALAN TURING publishes the first part of his study into morphogenesis YASSER ARAFAT is elected president of the League of Palestinian Students LE CORBUSIER completes the Unite d'Habitation JEAN PIAGET becomes professor of developmental psychology at the Sorbonne CHARLIE PARKER records Bird At St Nick's @ BENAZIR BHUTTO is born MARLON BRANDO wins an Oscar nomination for The Wild One BERTOLT BRECHT condemns the repression of the workers' uprising in East Berlin FRANCIS CRICK and JAMES WATSON suggest that the DNA molecule comprises two spiral strands, the so-called 'double-helix' EDMUND HILLARY conquers Mount Everest EDWIN HUBBLE dies RUPERT MURDOCH returns to Australia from Oxford and takes over the family business CLARENCE SAUNDERS dies JOSEPH STALIN dies CHAD VARAH sets up the first Samaritan helpline JOSIP BROZ TITO is the first Communist head of state to visit Britain NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV emerges as the key figure in the Soviet government CHARLES CHAPLIN gives up his re-entry permit to America after being accused of communist activities ERNEST HEMINGWAY wins a Pulitzer Prize for The Old Man and the Sea and for Picnic FIDEL CASTRO leads a rebel attack on army barracks and is imprisoned. He is later amnestied ROGER BANNISTER'S team set a mile relay record of 16 minutes 41 seconds JOHN F KENNEDY marries Jacqueline Bouvier DAVID BEN GURION resigns as Israeli prime minister WINSTON CHURCHILL is awarded a Nobel Prize for literature for his historical works CHRISTIAAN BARNARD is appointed head surgeon at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town MILTON FRIEDMAN publishes his Essays in Positive Economics, containing his ideas on the policies of money and stabilization ALEXANDER SOLZHENITSYN is released from labour camp @ ROGER BANNISTER runs a mile in 3 minutes 59.4 seconds, breaking the four-minute mile SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR writes The Mandarins COCO CHANEL returns to Paris from Switzerland and re-opens her workrooms BILLY GRAHAM holds Britain's largest ever religious meeting ERNEST HEMINGWAY is awarded the Nobel Prize for literature HO CHI MINH drives the French from Vietnam BILLIE HOLIDAY is banned from performing in America and leaves for Britain ALDOUS HUXLEY publishes The Doors of Perception JAMAL ABDUL NASSER assumes power in Egypt J ROBERT OPPENHEIMER opposes the hydrogen bomb and is investigated as a security risk JEAN-PAUL SARTRE supports liberation for France's colonies GIDEON SUNDBACK dies ALAN TURING commits suicide by eating a poison apple OPRAH WINFREY is born MARILYN MONROE marries ex-baseballer Joe DiMaggio ELVIS PRESLEY records his first single, That's All Right Mama JAMAL ABDUL NASSER sees British troops withdraw from the Suez Canal ROGER BANNISTER wins a gold medal at the European Games for 1500 metres HO CHI MINH returns to Hanoi after eight years in hiding HENRI CARTIER-BRESSON becomes the first Western photographer since the second world war to take pictures inside the Soviet Union ALFRED HITCHCOCK makes Rear Window HENRI MATISSE dies LE CORBUSIER constructs the Chapel of Notre Dame du Haut JAMES GRAY is awarded a knighthood RUPERT MURDOCH takes control of a South Australian publishing company, News Limited @ HUBERT CECIL BOOTH dies WALT DISNEY releases The Lady and the Tramp ALBERT EINSTEIN dies FRANCISCO FRANCO'S Spain becomes a member of the United Nations BILL GATES is born STEVEN JOBS is born ROSA PARKS refuses to give up her seat on the bus, and sparks the bus boycotts MARTIN LUTHER KING organises bus boycotts as part of his peaceful protest against segregation OLGA KORBUT is born RUDOLF NUREYEV wins a scholarship to the Kirov Ballet CHARLIE "BIRD" PARKER dies PABLO PICASSO sees a film produced about himself - Le Mystere Picasso TENNESSEE WILLIAMS writes Cat On A Hot Tin Roof WINSTON CHURCHILL resigns as prime minister JOSEPH STALIN'S conquest of Eastern Europe is finalised by the signing of the Warsaw Treaty MARILYN MONROE stars in The Seven Year Itch DAVID BEN GURION forms a government HENRI CARTIER-BRESSON publishes People of Moscow and The Europeans AKITO MORITA'S Sony company produce the first transistor radio JEAN PIAGET is director of the International Centre for Genetic Epistemology ALEXANDER SOLZHENITSYN secretly begins work on his novel, The First Circle RACHEL CARSON publishes The Edge of the Sea WALT DISNEY opens Disneyland in California @ W H AUDEN is elected professor of poetry at Oxford University BRIGITTE BARDOT becomes a new style starlet in And God Created Woman DAVID BEN GURION witnesses Israeli troops occupy the Sinai desert CLARENCE BIRDSEYE dies FIDEL CASTRO lands in Cuba from New Mexico and organises attacks on rural police stations BILLIE HOLIDAY begins dictating her autobiography MAO ZE DONG announces a policy of open debate within the party with the slogan 'Let a thousand flowers bloom' JAMAL ABDUL NASSER nationalises the Suez Canal and Egypt is attacked by Britain, France and Israel MARTINA NAVRATILOVA is born MARTIN LUTHER KING is indicted for hindering Montgomery's bus operations NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV denounces Stalin in a secret speech at the 20th party congress MARILYN MONROE marries Arthur Miller HENRY MOORE starts to work on Falling Warrior JEAN-PAUL SARTRE publishes Being and Nothingness FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT designs the Guggenheim Museum in New York City DENG XIAOPING is appointed general secretary of the Chinese communist party IGOR STRAVINSKY writes Canticum Sacrum BERTOLT BRECHT dies LE CORBUSIER designs a new capital for the Punjab, Chandigarh BORIS PASTERNAK completes Dr Zhivago RICHARD NIXON is re-elected as vice-president @ LASZLO BIRO'S company is taken over by Bic WILLY BRANDT is elected mayor of West Berlin FRANCISCO FRANCO announces that the monarchy will be restored on his death FRANK McNAMARA dies BORIS PASTERNAK gives permission for Dr Zhivago to be published abroad MAO ZE DONG'S commitment to increased freedom and internal reform continues to flourish MARILYN MONROE stars with Laurence Olivier in The Prince And The Showgirl NELSON MANDELA sees South Africa's racial laws tighten their grip DAVID BEN GURION and several ministers are hurt when a grenade is thrown into the Knesset. @ EDMUND HILLARY makes an expedition overland to the South Pole MICHAEL JACKSON is born ELVIS PRESLEY stars in Love Me Tender, his first film BERTRAND RUSSELL asks theBritish government to abandon all nuclear weapons CHARLES DE GAULLE accepts the post of premier of France MARTIN LUTHER KING is stabbed by a woman in Harlem BORIS PASTERNAK wins the Nobel Prize for literature but renounces it after pressure from the Soviet authorities WERNHER VON BRAUN helps put the first American satellite into orbit ALFRED HITCHCOCK directs Vertigo NOAM CHOMSKY publishes Syntactic Structures AKITO MORITA'S Tokyo Telecommunications Company is renamed Sony @ FIDEL CASTRO defeats the Batista regime and becomes prime minister of Cuba BILLY HOLIDAY dies FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT dies MADONNA is born MARGARET THATCHER is elected a member of parliament INDIRA GANDHI becomes leader of the Congress party PABLO PICASSO sells a painting for $154, 000, a world record for a living artist NELSON MANDELA sees white South African liberals set up the anti-Apartheid Progressive Party CHARLES DE GAULLE offers the people of Algeria the right to choose their own political future DAVID BEN GURION'S labour party wins the general election ALFRED HITCHCOCK makes North By Northwest HO CHI MINH resigns as secretary general of the Vietnamese communist party MARILYN MONROE stars in Some Like It Hot @ MUHAMMAD ALI wins the light-heavyweight title at the Rome Olympics HAILE SELASSIE faces an attempted coup ALFRED HITCHCOCK releases Psycho JOHN F KENNEDY becomes president of the United States BORIS PASTERNAK dies GREGORY PINCUS sees the Pill become publicly available in the US BERTRAND RUSSELL leaves CND FIDEL CASTRO jails 104 government opponents after the biggest mass trial since he came to power JEAN-PAUL SARTRE publishes his last philosophical work, Critique de la raison dialectique RICHARD NIXON narrowly loses in presidential elections to John F Kennedy ANDY WARHOL creates his Campbell's Tomato Rice Soup screen print @ FIDEL CASTRO resists the CIA-sponsored invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs. He abolishes elections and declares Cuba a socialist nation JOHN F KENNEDY vows to put a man on the moon before the decade is over WILLY BRANDT sees the Berlin Wall divide his city LUIS BUNUEL is invited home from Mexico by the Spanish government to make Viridiana MARLON BRANDO appears in Mutiny on the Bounty RAYMOND LOEWY'S Avanti car goes into production MALCOLM X forms the Organisation of Afro-American Unity ROSSER REEVES writes Reality in Advertising CARL JUNG dies YURI GAGARIN becomes the first man to leave the confines of the Earth EDMUND HILLARY travels to the Himalayas in search of the yeti ERNEST HEMINGWAY commits suicide RUDOLF NUREYEV defects to the West GREGORY PINCUS sees the contraceptive pill go on sale in Britain LOUIS LEAKEY realises Nutcracker Man is not the oldest descendent of man when he discovers bones dating back almost a million years ago PABLO PICASSO marries Jacqueline Roque CHARLES DE GAULLE orders a blockade of Algeria BERTRAND RUSSELL is jailed for inciting a breach of the peace at a ban-the-bomb demonstration JOSEPH STALIN'S body is removed at night from the Mausoleum in Red Square as part of the USSR's de-Stalinisation campaign. The city of Stalingrad is re-named Volgograd JOSEPH ENGELBERGER invents the industrial robot EDWARD LORENZ, while working on his Weather Machine, notices that small changes in an initial state of affairs can produce wild and unpredictable fluctuations @ BOB DYLAN signs with CBS records and releases Blowin' in the Wind MARILYN MONROE dies of a drugs overdose NELSON MANDELA is arrested and charged with inciting strikes HELEN GURLEY BROWN publishes Sex and the Single Girl AHMED ZAKI YAMANI becomes oil minister of Saudi Arabia RACHEL CARSON writes The Silent Spring FRANCIS CRICK AND JAMES WATSON win the Nobel Prize for physiology MARTHA GRAHAM'S company performs Clytemnestra for the first time RUDOLF NUREYEV dances with Margot Fonteyn at Covent Garden FIDEL CASTRO is excommunicated by the Pope for anti-clerical activities CHARLES CHAPLIN is awarded an honorary doctorate of letters from Oxford University MARTIN LUTHER KING is sent to jail for organising an illegal march in Georgia CHARLES DE GAULLE signs a declaration freeing Algeria from 132 years of French rule RICHARD NIXON launches a campaign to be Governor of California RONALD REAGAN joins the Republican party NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV tries to smuggle nuclear missiles into Cuba, provoking the missile crisis JOHN F KENNEDY takes the world to the brink of nuclear war as he face down the Soviet Union over Cuba @ BOB DYLAN releases Freewheelin' Bob Dylan THE BEATLES dominate the British music charts throughout the year MALCOLM X visits Mecca RAY KROC introduces Ronald McDonald to a hungry public ALEXANDER SOLZHENITSYN publishes One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich ISAAC SHOENBERG dies THE ROLLING STONES are formed MARTIN LUTHER KING tells the largest demonstration ever assembled about his dream of equality and integration WINSTON CHURCHILL is awarded honorary American citizenship JOHN F KENNEDY visits Berlin and announces "Ich bin ein Berliner". In November he is assassinated in Dallas MICHAEL JORDAN is born BETTY FRIEDAN writes The Feminine Mystique ALDOUS HUXLEY dies NINETTE DE VALOIS steps down as director of the Royal Ballet J ROBERT OPPENHEIMER is awarded the Enrico Fermi Prize by President Johnson CHARLES DE GAULLE opposes Britain's entry into the EEC WILLY BRANDT is re-elected mayor of West Berlin THE BEATLES make their television debut AYATOLLAH KHOMEINI is arrested for his public denunciation of the Shah's westernization of Iranian society DAVID BEN GURION resigns as Israel's prime minister NELSON MANDELA is put on trial for treason MILTON FRIEDMAN co-writes the Monetary History of the United States MALCOLM X is expelled from America for suggesting the need for an inter-racial civil war HENRY MOORE begins work on Reclining Figures ANDY WARHOL begins making films RUPERT MURDOCH'S company News Limited buys a 28 per cent share in a Hong Kong publishing company, Asia Magazines Limited @ YASSER ARAFAT founds the Palestine Liberation Organisation BILL BERNBACH works on the Lyndon B Johnson presidential campaign THE ROLLING STONES tour America and Australia. NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV is ousted by Leonid Brezhnev and other Kremlin leaders MARTIN LUTHER KING signs The Civil Rights Bill and is awarded the Nobel Peace prize BETTY FRIEDAN witnesses the Civil Rights Bill which makes it illegal in the US to discriminate on grounds of sex or colour THE BEATLES top the American charts with I Want To Hold Your Hand MUHAMMAD ALI becomes heavyweight champion of the world NELSON MANDELA is sentenced to life imprisonment for treason JEAN-PAUL SARTRE turns down the Nobel Prize for literature BOB DYLAN releases The Times They are a-Changin' RUPERT MURDOCH launches The Australian, Australia's first and only national daily newspaper @ WINSTON CHURCHILL dies LE CORBUSIER dies MALCOLM X is assassinated HELEN GURLEY BROWN becomes editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan HO CHI MINH sees the first US combat troops arrive in Vietnam MARTIN LUTHER KING is jailed for protesting without a permit over votes for black Americans DAVID BEN GURION is expelled from the Mapai party BERTRAND RUSSELL tears up his labour party card in protest against Britain's support for America in Vietnam THE BEATLES receive MBEs, Member of the British Empire CHARLES DE GAULLE is re-elected president of France BOB DYLAN releases Mr Tambourine Man THE ROLLING STONES release I Can't Get No Satisfaction @ WALT DISNEY dies BOB DYLAN releases Blonde on Blonde LEONID BREZHNEV becomes general secretary of the communist party of the Soviet Union MAO ZE DONG launches the cultural revolution RONALD REAGAN becomes governor of California PELE becomes a professional football player MARGARET SANGER dies INDIRA GANDHI becomes prime minister of India BETTY FRIEDAN co-founds the National Organization for Women BARBARA WARD publishes Spaceship Earth IGOR STRAVINSKY writes Requiem Canticles NOAM CHOMSKY publishes Cartesian Linguistics @ CHARLES DARROW dies MUHAMMAD ALI refuses the draft LUIS BUNUEL releases Belle de Jour THE BEATLES' manager Brian Epstein dies CLARENCE BIRDSEYE'S alter-ego Captain Birdseye is invented JAMAL ABDUL NASSER closes the gulf of Aqaba to Israeli shipping THE ROLLING STONES' Mick Jagger and Keith Richards are given jail sentences for drug offences CHRISTIAAN BARNARD performs the first heart transplant GREGORY PINCUS dies CHARLES DE GAULLE supports Quebec's fight for independence and vetoes British entry into the EEC MARLON BRANDO is directed by Charles Chaplin in A Countess from Hong Kong DAVID BEN GURION sees Israel defeat an Arab coalition in The Six Day War J ROBERT OPPENHEIMER dies @ CHESTER CARLSON dies RICHARD NIXON becomes president of the United States BENJAMIN SPOCK is convicted of helping men to avoid the draft MARTIN LUTHER KING is assassinated JEAN-PAUL SARTRE becomes godfather of the revolution during the student riots in Paris CHARLES DE GAULLE wins landslide majority in elections THE BEATLES' John Lennon is arrested on drugs charges ALEXANDER SOLZHENITSYN is expelled from the writers' union after the publication of The First Circle and Cancer Ward abroad JOHN HEARTFIELD dies JAMES GRAY writes Animal Location @ BOB DYLAN appears at the Isle of Wight festival NEIL ARMSTRONG stands on the moon's surface and watches the Earth rise RUPERT MURDOCH acquires The News of the World and The Sun THE ROLLING STONES guitarist Brian Jones dies WALTER GROPIUS dies HO CHI MINH dies WERNHER VON BRAUN builds the Saturn V rocket COCO CHANEL inspires a musical, Coco, which opens on Broadway PATRICK STEPTOE announces that test-tube babies will soon be a reality YASSER ARAFAT is the new leader of the PLO CHARLES DE GAULLE resigns as president of France KATHARINE HEPBURN wins her third Oscar WILLY BRANDT is elected chancellor of Germany FRANCISCO FRANCO nominates Prince Juan Carlos as his successor MILTON FRIEDMAN writes The Optimum Quantity of Money @ MILES DAVIS sells more than a million copies of Bitches Brew CHARLES DE GAULLE dies WILLY BRANDT holds a summit with the East German prime minister, Willi Stoph JAMAL ABDUL NASSER dies ULRIKE MEINHOF leads a raid on a Berlin jail to free fellow terrorists PELE leads his team to victory in the soccer World Cup BERTRAND RUSSELL dies TED HOFF'S employer Intel, pay $60,000 to buy back the rights to the microchip GERMAINE GREER publishes The Female Eunuch LECH WALESA emerges as a union leader in the Polish underground MARGARET THATCHER is appointed minister of education MARTHA GRAHAM announces her retirement RICHARD NIXON sends American troops into Cambodia ALEXANDER SOLZHENITSYN is put under pressure to refuse Nobel Prize for literature THE BEATLES decide to go their separate ways @ MUHAMMAD ALI is knocked down by Joe Frazier MARLON BRANDO returns to the screen in The Godfather RAYMOND LOEWY designs the Shell logo STEVEN SPIELBERG directs Duel NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV dies MICHAEL JACKSON begins a solo career INDIRA GANDHI'S Congress Party is re-elected in the general elections. India declares a state of emergency after Pakistan goes to war IGOR STRAVINSKY dies COCO CHANEL dies WALT DISNEY'S empire sees the opening of a second theme-park in Florida @ CHARLES CHAPLIN receives an Oscar for his contribution to the film industry NOLAN BUSHNELL'S Atari hits the games scene ULRIKE MEINHOF is captured in Hanover RICHARD NIXON aides are caught breaking into the Democratic Party headquarters at the Watergate building. He is elected President by a landslide vote the same year. OLGA KORBUT wins fame and two gold medals at the Munich Olympics MICHAEL JACKSON reaches No. 1 for the first time with a song about his pet rat HELEN GURLEY BROWN sees the first British edition of Cosmopolitan LOUIS LEAKEY dies WILLY BRANDT'S socialist government is re-elected LEONID BREZHNEV signs an arms reduction treaty with the United States BARBARA WARD publishes Only One Planet @ DAVID BEN GURION dies W H AUDEN dies WILLY BRANDT sees West Germany become a member of the United Nations LUIS BUNUEL wins an Oscar for The Discreet Charm of The Bourgeoisie PABLO PICASSO dies ILYICH RAMIREZ SANCHEZ attempts to assassinate Lord Sieff STEPHEN HAWKING wins the Einstein Award CHAD VARAH inspires the opening of the first Samaritans helpline in America WILLY BRANDT becomes the first West German leader to visit Israel BILLY GRAHAM holds his last big campaign in Korea AHMED ZAKI YAMANI advises the Arab oil states to raise the price of oil as a means of pressurising western governments RICHARD NIXON admits White House cover-up of Watergate @ BRIGITTE BARDOT abandons her film career ULRIKE MEINHOF is sentenced to 8 years' imprisonment RICHARD NIXON resigns in disgrace BENJAMIN SPOCK admits he might have been wrong about child psychology ALEXANDER SOLZHENITSYN is expelled from the Soviet Union, and collects his Nobel prize four years late HAILE SELASSIE is deposed MARGARET THATCHER is elected leader of the Conservative Party F SHERWOOD ROWLAND AND MARIO MOLINA publish their research into the ozone layer WILLY BRANDT resigns over his associations with the East German spy Gunter Guillamme @ FRED ASTAIRE is nominated for an Oscar for his role in The Towering Inferno BENJAMIN SPOCK publishes Bringing Up Children In A Difficult Time STEVEN SPIELBERG directs Jaws HAILE SELASSIE dies ILYICH RAMIREZ SANCHEZ is linked with a rocket attack on an El Al aircraft BILL GATES founds Microsoft with Paul Allen FRANCISCO FRANCO dies AHMED ZAKI YAMANI is taken hostage by Ilyich Ramirez Sanchez JAMES GRAY dies CHARLES CHAPLIN receives a knighthood INDIRA GANDHI is found guilty of corrupt behaviour during the elections MARTINA NAVRATILOVA defects to the west @ BOB DYLAN releases Desire BRIGITTE BARDOT establishes the Foundation for the Protection of Distressed Animals MAO ZE DONG dies ULRIKE MEINHOF commits suicide in prison ANITA RODDICK opens the first Body Shop STEVEN JOBS AND STEPHAN WOZNIAK produce their first computer MILTON FRIEDMAN is awarded the Nobel Prize for economics BARBARA WARD publishes The Care and Maintenance of a Small Planet ALEXANDER SOLZHENITSYN moves to America NOAM CHOMSKY publishes Reflections on Language @ DENG XIAOPING regains favour with the Chinese government after his dismissal one year earlier CHARLES CHAPLIN dies BENAZIR BHUTTO is arrested and jailed HENRY MOORE establishes the Henry Moore Foundation ELVIS PRESLEY dies STEVEN JOBS AND STEPHAN WOZNIAK commission a design for the Apple logo CHRISTIAAN BARNARD experiments with chimpanzee hearts for transplants WERNHER VON BRAUN dies INDIRA GANDHI faces defeat in India's general elections MARTIN LUTHER KING is posthumously awarded a medal of Freedom RUDOLF NUREYEV stars in the film Valentino portraying the life of the dancer Valentino @ OPRAH WINFREY co-hosts a game show HENRI CARTIER-BRESSON'S work is exhibited at the Haywood Gallery MARTINA NAVRATILOVA wins her first Wimbledon singles title PATRICK STEPTOE'S work leads to the birth of the first test-tube baby AYATOLLAH KHOMEINI is exiled to France MAO ZE DONG'S Little Red Book is publicly criticised in China NICHOLAS NEGROPONTE undertakes the Aspen project, an early experiment in virtual reality MITCHELL FEIGENBAUM investigates the physics of crowd behaviour @ LEONID BREZHNEV orders Soviet troops to be airlifted to Kabul to shore up the Moscow-sponsored regime AYATOLLAH KHOMEINI takes power in Iran MICHAEL JACKSON releases Off the Wall MARGARET THATCHER becomes the first woman to hold the post of British prime minister ALEXANDER FLEMING dies MUHAMMAD ALI announces his retirement MOTHER TERESA is awarded the Nobel Prize for peace GERMAINE GREER publishes The Obstacle Race JAMES LOVELOCK publishes the Gaia hypothesis: suggesting that our planet is a self-regulating organism @ RICHARD DREW dies THE BEATLES' John Lennon is shot dead outside his apartment in New York RONALD REAGAN is elected president of the United States JESSE OWENS dies STEVEN SPIELBERG releases Raiders of the Lost Ark AYATOLLAH KHOMEINI launches an invasion of Iraq INDIRA GANDHI' S son, Sanjay, is killed in a plane crash MIKHAIL GORBACHEV becomes a full member of the Soviet politburo BILL GATES persuades IBM to use his software ALFRED HITCHCOCK dies KATHARINE HEPBURN wins an Oscar for her role in On Golden Pond JOSIP BROZ TITO dies LECH WALESA negotiates an agreement to give Polish workers the right to strike. Solidarity, the first free trade union in communist Europe, is founded JEAN PIAGET dies JEAN-PAUL SARTRE dies INDIRA GANDHI wins the general election @ RONALD REAGAN is wounded in an assassination attempt RUPERT MURDOCH buys The Times and The Sunday Times of London AYATOLLAH KHOMEINI begins a reign of terror in Iran LECH WALESA is arrested and Solidarity is banned by the Polish government BARBARA WARD dies @ LEONID BREZHNEV dies BILL BERNBACH dies of leukaemia MICHAEL JACKSON releases Thriller BETTY FRIEDAN publishes The Second Stage MARGARET THATCHER orders the invasion of the Falkland Islands after its occupation by Argentina YASSER ARAFAT sees the invasion of Lebanon by Israel and is forced out of Beirut LECH WALESA is set free after nearly 12 months of detention STEVEN SPIELBERG'S film ET opens in Britain BILLY GRAHAM is presented with the Templeton award for progress in religion HELMUT KOHL is elected as chancellor of West Germany @ LUIS BUNUEL dies MADONNA has her first hit with Holiday LUC MONTAGNIER AND ROBERT GALLO publish the first photographs of the AIDS virus TENNESSEE WILLIAMS dies MARGARET THATCHER is re-elected for a second term as British prime minister MARTIN LUTHER KING'S birthday becomes a national holiday in some US states @ MADONNA has a huge hit with Like a Virgin RAY KROC dies ROSSER REEVES dies RONALD REAGAN is elected for a second term as president of the United States ILYICH RAMIREZ SANCHEZ is a prime suspect in the bombing of the French Cultural Centre in London MICHAEL JORDAN joins the Chicago Bulls MICHAEL JACKSON'S earnings reach $40 million a year INDIRA GANDHI'S army attack Sikh separatists based in the Golden Temple MIKHAIL GORBACHEV visits Britain and meets Margaret Thatcher OPRAH WINFREY becomes host of AM Chicago PAUL DIRAC redefines the structure of the atom LUC MONTAGNIER AND ROBERT GALLO claim that HTLV-3 is the cause of AIDS MARGARET THATCHER narrowly escapes death in a bomb attack on the party conference STEVEN JOBS invents the Apple Mac, claiming that he wanted it to be 'insanely great' @ MIKHAIL GORBACHEV becomes Soviet leader and launches the new policies of glasnost and perestroika LASZLO BIRO dies NELSON MANDELA, still in prison, becomes an international symbol of resistance PABLO PICASSO is posthumously honoured by the opening of the Musee Picasso in Paris RUPERT MURDOCH buys 20% of Twentieth Century Fox STEVEN JOBS resigns as chairman of Hewlett and Packard ROBERT WOODRUFF dies F SHERWOOD ROWLAND AND MARIO MOLINA attempt to deal with ozone depletion THE ROLLING STONES Steel Wheels world tour enters the Guinness Book of Records as the most lucrative tour ever, earning $229 million @ BENAZIR BHUTTO returns from exile in Britain to Pakistan JAMES BROWN re-emerges with the hit Living in America HENRY MOORE dies RAYMOND LOEWY dies ANDY WARHOL produces a series of self-portraits OPRAH WINFREY'S chat show goes national AHMED ZAKI YAMANI is dismissed as Saudi oil minister SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR dies @ WILLIAM DEMING is awarded The National Medal of Technology FRED ASTAIRE dies MADONNA draws huge crowds during her Whose That Girl? Tour RONALD REAGAN signs an agreement with the Soviet Union to reduce nuclear weapons RUPERT MURDOCH buys Today newspaper BENJAMIN SPOCK is arrested at the age of 71 for opposing Trident ANITA RODDICK'S Body Shop is named Most Enterprising Company of the Year MILTON FRIEDMAN witnesses the end of the boom years on the stock exchange in America MARGARET THATCHER wins her third general election ANDY WARHOL dies @ BENAZIR BHUTTO wins the general election in Pakistan MIKHAIL GORBACHEV announces a unilateral cut in defence forces LECH WALESA heads a new wave of strikes as workers demand recognition of the union Solidarity CHICO MENDES is murdered PATRICK STEPTOE dies MIKHAIL GORBACHEV agrees to the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan RONALD REAGAN visits the 'evil empire', the Soviet Union, for the first time NELSON MANDELA, suffering from tuberculosis, is transferred from prison to hospital STEPHEN HAWKING'S Brief History of Time is published @ SALVADOR DALI dies DENG XIAOPING orders the massacre of students demonstrating for democracy on Tiananmen Square NELSON MANDELA is promised release by F W de Klerk ANITA RODDICK leads a demonstration in London against the destruction of the Brazilian rainforests HELMUT KOHL and the people of Germany dismantle the Berlin Wall AYATOLLAH KHOMEINI dies STEVEN JOBS AND STEPHAN WOZNIAK are sued by the Beatles for using the apple logo HIROHITO dies @ GEORGES DE MESTRAL dies NELSON MANDELA is released after 28 years of imprisonment OLGA KORBUT emigrates to the United States BILL GATES launches Windows LECH WALESA wins by a landslide in the Polish elections MARGARET THATCHER resigns as prime minister as her own colleagues turn against her MARTINA NAVRATILOVA wins her ninth Wimbledon singles title BENAZIR BHUTTO is dismissed as prime minister of Pakistan @ MILES DAVIS dies MIKHAIL GORBACHEV is nearly toppled in a coup attempt by communist hardliners, precipitating the collapse of the Soviet Union PABLO ESCOBAR surrenders to the Brazilian authorities GERMAINE GREER publishes The Change MARTHA GRAHAM dies @ WILLY BRANDT dies MADONNA releases her album Erotica NICHOLAS NEGROPONTE predicts the merging of all electronic media YASSER ARAFAT survives a plane crash WALT DISNEY'S theme-park empire expands with the opening of EuroDisney in Paris @ WILLIAM DEMING dies BENAZIR BHUTTO is re-elected prime minister of Pakistan RUPERT MURDOCH buys 63% of Star Television in Hong Kong STEVEN SPIELBERG wins an Oscar for Schindler's List MICHAEL JORDAN leads the Chicago Bulls to their third successive National Basketball Association title. Later in the year he announces his retirement HELEN GURLEY BROWN publishes The Late Show PABLO ESCOBAR is killed in a shoot-out with police RUDOLF NUREYEV dies @ NELSON MANDELA is elected president of South Africa PELE is appointed special minister for sport in Brazil RICHARD NIXON dies AKITO MORITA sees Sony lose millions of dollars ALEXANDER SOLZHENITSYN returns to Russia after 20 years in exile ILYICH RAMIREZ SANCHEZ is extradited to France from Khartoum MICHAEL JACKSON marries Lisa-Marie Presley, daughter of Elvis THE ROLLING STONES become the first band ever to give a concert on the Internet @ MICHAEL JORDAN returns to the Chicago Bulls in front of one seventh of the US population BILL GATES launches Windows '95 F SHERWOOD ROWLAND AND MARIO MOLINA win a Nobel Prize for chemistry LECH WALESA is defeated in presidential elections by a former communist THE ROLLING STONES allow a recording of theirs to be used in a comercial for Windows 95. Their Voodoo Lounge tour becomes the biggest and highest earning tour in rock history RUPERT MURDOCH shuts down Today newspaper